Saturday, January 27, 2007


One day there were 2 hunters, they just shot a tiger. One hunter took the body the other hunter took the legs, and tail. Who took the head????

To know the answer click the banner below first...

Where do you keep your Handphone normally?

I have heard a sad real story from my colleague. She told me one of her friend always miscarriage when the baby 2-3 months old for few times continuously in few years time. The couple went to check with many doctors and lastly one of the doctor check on the death baby and found out the baby's body cells keeping die when baby growing up until he/she cannot be survived. This is because her uterus has been affected by HANDPHONE radiation. The doctor told she has no chance to get baby no matter how because the radiation affected her uterus which the major portion of her uterus cells already death, cannot carry healthy baby. All this because of she has been keeping her handphone in her working jacket which the position just right to the uterus position for few years time. Please beware and take note the consequences is not worth.

Dearest family members,

Please do not overlook the handphone radiation which will affect our health or body organs. Please put away your handphone when ever you don't need it much.


Please do not keep your handphone near to the kidney position and pants pocket as this will hurt and affect your "production" if you plan to get baby.

The other doctor also advice another friend to keep away handphone to her new born baby to avoid radiation to baby's brain and cells. Do not let the baby or toddler play with the handphone for long time. This is because the small young baby or toddler still very fragile and most probably they cannot take the radiation.

Please remind yourself do not sleep together with your handphone or put next to your bed. Keep away any other electronic goods (such as tv also) which got radiation away from your bedroom to reduce risk as we have to sleep few hours a day in our bedroom at night. Do not think that you switch off the TV it will be no radiation actually it is still around in your room just not eyes visible, even the small alarm clock not to be advised to put just next to your head while sleeping.

Care about yourself & your love ones.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


The picture of President Bush above are made by combining about 670 photos of soldiers of the United States as well as other countries that have been sacrificed in the Iraq war. The purpose of this picture, in my opinion - is to thank President Bush for his good deed.


Teringat pasal satu story...seorang lelaki balik rumah...dia jadi hairan giler..halaman rumah berselerak.. Surat di peti pos tak berambil,anak-anak tengah main korek-korek tanah kotor, baju compang camping, penuh dengan tanah dan kotoran rambut tak bersikat, tak bermandi,;;; masuk ke pintu rumah, lagi lelaki tu terkejut...ruang tamu lagi teruk berselerak lelaki itu melaung nama isterinya... .sepi tiada jawapan masuk ke dapur..sinki penuh dengan pinggan mangkuk tidak berbasuh,periuk tidak bercuci.

mencari apa yang boleh dimakan tetapi tiada makanan yang dimasak masuk ke bilik air, baju masih belum berbasuh,apatah lagi berendam lelaki itu cemas mencari isterinya..dia bergegas ke tingkat atas, melihat isterinya terbaring di atas katil sedang membaca buku.."awak sakit ke?"..tanya lelaki itu.. "tak lah", jawab isterinya ringkas "kenapa teruk sangat rumah kita hari
ni", tanya si suami lagi sambil meletakkan tangan di dahi isterinya, kot-kot isterinya demam... Balas isterinya "wahai suamiku, semalam semasa kita bertengkar, abg mengatakan yang saya ini hanyalah seorang suri rumah, duduk di rumah tidak sepenat diri abg yang duduk di pejabat, dan abg sering menanyakan apa kerja yang saya lakukan di rumah yang menyebabkan saya merungut kepenatan kadang-kadang. ....NAH, HARI INI SAYA TIDAK MELAKUKAN KERJA-KERJA YANG BIASA SAYA LAKUKAN SETIAP HARI.......

"Wanita adalah insan istimewa, biarkan mereka terus membebel,merengek atau mengilai seperti pontianak. Seburuk-buruk perangai wanita, ia akan terus melekat di hati kita selagi hayat di kandung badan...

Your Personality